In the gentle sighs of dawn’s warm grace,
A heart full of gratitude naturally settles into its sacred place,
A sunflower soul in the sun’s glowing stream,
Each delicate petal tells a story, each promising seed holds a dream.

Anchored in kindness, resolute and true,
Reaching out for hope in skies wide and blue,
With every setback, it bends but will not break,
Finding resilience in the strength it creates.

Let gratitude be the compass of the soul,
Guiding the path through life, as seasons unfold,
For in each heartbeat, a treasure to hold,
A sunflower soul, forever whole.

– Akira Deodath


In life, challenges and triumphs intertwine, playing a crucial role in shaping our journey and revealing truths about ourselves. By embracing gratitude and the spirit of resilience, we hold the potential to change our lives and the lives of those around us…

Gratitude serves as an internal guide. It allows us to pause and reflect on experiences that contribute to our life’s journey. It is an emotion that constantly changes our perception regarding aspects of world, diverting our focus from what is lacking to what is present. A greatful heart uncovers beauty in the ordinary and finds significant meaning in life every day.

Resilience is profound. Just as a sunflower withstands nature’s elements, turning towards the sun and thriving in its presence; humans have the ability to “bend without breaking”, to rise and grow stronger amidst adversity. The narratives of hope, struggle and victory contribute to our personal growth, moulding us into who we are truly meant to be.

Live with an open heart, seek hope at each dawn and gather the strength to carry on.

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